It is much disgusting to hear from certain candidates, like Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino II, spreading the doomsday scenario that there will be a failure of election. Their prognostications range from a possible glitch in the computerized counting machines, particularly in the memory card or the “Precinct Count Optical Scanner” (PCOS), to the possibility of massive cheating. They stir up the hype by pointing to what happened in the 2004 presidential elections, and from the current bureaucratic bungling by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) in the acquisition and preparation of election paraphernalia. They cite all these as telltale signs that we might just end up in a failure of election.
Whether there are visible indicators that indeed we are heading towards a serious electoral logjam, still candidates should refrain from talking about it publicly. For them to spread fear is incoherent to their ambition and to the process they claim to adhere. Our people are looking forward to go through with the process of a clean, honest and fair election. They see the holding of an election as their opportunity for renewal, hoping that somehow things will change for the better.
Yet, amidst all expectations, its appears that Noynoy Aquino and most of his supporters are determined to sow fear and cynicism to the sacred process which is anachronistic to the very reason why they enlisted themselves as candidates. Their pronouncements are incoherent to their status because the failure of election is equivalent to denying our people their alternative choice. In fact, their prognostication is an open invitation for trouble.
It is on this basis why we are prompted to ask what really is the motive of these mentally delirious candidates. If Noynoy and his ilk did not file their certificate of candidacy, or has signified their intention to withdraw from the race then people can perhaps give credibility to what they are saying. But in the meantime that they are deeply involved in the political process or should we say in the thick of the fight, the motive behind their pronouncement now becomes questionable. It brings to surface their diabolical agenda, different to what we all have in mind.
Arrogance has truly gotten into the head of this good-for-nothing intellectual loafer; that to him and his supporters election is just a matter of formalizing his becoming the next President. If he will not be proclaimed then serious trouble awaits this country. This is the kind of political equation they want to project, which is to make him the winner at all costs. To my mind, it is tantamount to blackmailing the nation. Note that Noynoy’s concept of failure of election is not an act to deny our people of their sovereign mandate, but to purposely deny him of his make-believe victory which is downright silly.
Their traditional collaborating partner, the National Movement for Free Election (NAMFREL), is giving the same parallel scenario of things to come. Clearly, one could deduce that Noynoy and his gang are trying to lay down the predicate that should he not emerge winner, widespread chaos will ensue. The strategy of denouncing the Comelec, the administration or both, is an encompassing strategy that will put the two on the defensive. Under that circumstances, even before that doomsday scenario could actually take place Noynoy and his gang had already accomplished what they want to happen, which is for our people to be cynical about the results, meaning that if it’s not him, then the election was rigged.
Unlike the usual cry of electoral fraud where there can be a possible recount, a failure of election does not offer that kind of formula to resolve the impasse. It is a statement equivalent to saying that no election was in fact held. In which case, its happening could justify a takeover by a military junta or even give way to raw dictatorship where the incumbent President will exercise her emergency powers to extend her stay, but at the price of scrapping the Cory Constitution, something of sentimental value to the overtly ambitious Noynoy.
For the fact that the camp of Noynoy has made it known to all that it was their man who won or could have won had the election not been sabotaged, it now puts the burden on those in charge of supervising the election to proclaim Noynoy, not on the basis that he won, but to appease him. By that our democracy is thus made hostage by Noynoy and his gang. The scenario is reminiscent of the 1986 political swindle where the hypocrites jubilantly called their brazen act of political vandalism “people power.”
Noticeable is while Noynoy is ranting of a possible failure of election, neither is he proposing a collective approach on how to counter that diabolical scheme from taking place. With him banding with the rest of the presidential candidates could lend credibility to what he is saying. But as it is, Noynoy is the only one talking much about it. Because people know that Noynoy is not much of a conscientious thinker, it is his wily handlers who are resisting the idea of a collective counterforce to avert that possibility. For them to accommodate the rest of the presidential aspirants would paradoxically demand that he give up his arrogant posturing of acting as though he already won in the election.
No presidential candidate in his right mind would concede to the idea of discrediting the holding of the election on the naïve theory that Noynoy is being singled out. As one would put it, he must be out of his mind. But, as said, he would not because that would automatically deprive him of the right to claim to what he see as his vested right to the throne. It most be pointed out that his idea of election failure is not equivalent to saying that practically no election was held because the great majority of the voters were disenfranchised due to confusion, widespread violence, or a complete paralysis on the computer system. He would not even want the investigation to focus on who won, but on what happened.
Having presented a totally different premise, nobody could possibly refute his argument because before hand he and his cabal already bombarded the people the results of those poll surveys showing him as having consistently topped, although in many respects they have been questioned. The trending technique as shown by the results of those pro-Noynoy poll surveys has conditioned the minds of the people to believe he could have won in that failed election. After all, a failure of election is sort of blackhole nobody knows what will happen.
Nonetheless, the only consolation to this is it equally revealed Noynoy’s deep-seated fear that he will not make it despite all the trappings of mental conditioning and trending surveys of him as sure winner. Faced with this dilemma, the only way out for Noynoy is to create trouble. By then, he would have jumped the gun not on the issue of who won, but by shouting to the whole world he was denied of his glory. Surely, the meddling American media will pick up his sad story.
Going back to the not-so-distant past, his glorified mother, Cory Aquino, and for all the self-serving adulations of her, did not win in the 1986 election against President Marcos. Although the term failure of election was then unfamiliar to us, it was their claim of alleged massive cheating that gave way to people power. Significantly, Cory’s declaration of a revolutionary government was her official act to nullify the results of the February 1986 election, which was an attempt bury the truth that she did not win in that election. A revolutionary government was all that was needed to abrogate all the legalities that would link her with the old Constitution.
So her becoming a revolutionary President was not by virtue of an election, but by sheer use of power done through a coup d’ etat hypocritically called “people power.” Having consolidated her powers, she could still have ordered the continuation of the counting of the ballots just to verify the truth. After all, even if Marcos won, his claim to power has become moot, she having managed to rally behind her the people and the Armed Forces. But she did not because that would expose the hollowness of her so-called “people power.” This is the same strategy that Noynoy and henchmen now wants to happen, and that rumor of him meeting some of the disgruntled generals indicate of the same pattern of power play they want to pursue.
Indeed, Noynoy and his Liberal Party are treading on a very dangerous path. The problem however is people are no longer enthusiastic in wanting to see another round of political swindle knowing that nothing has happened to improve their lives or even widened their economic opportunities. The Armed Forces, on the other hand, no longer have the passion for another round of adventurism where the elite have reduced them to that of errand boys, and not as a corps tasked to protect the people of their rights and interests. What happened was a case of from bad to worse.
Maybe there is unanimity in blaming Mrs. Arroyo for the building up this kind of political turbulence, but it would be totally wrong for Noynoy and his incorrigibly corrupt coterie that after the storm he should be the one to take over. The events of 1986 and of 2000, helped much to inculcate to our people a deeper sense of political consciousness. That consciousness may not be along the same ideological orthodoxy, but definitely it has metamorphosed to one where the people are voting on the basis of their class identification. Other than being a lazy legislator who did nothing when he was elected congressman and as senator, he represents the most notorious and obdurate class of landlords.
Most dangerous, people around him are the same people standing as emissaries of foreign interest groups that pushed us to the world of the “failed states.” In fact, his slogan, “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap” has become the butt of a joke. By just looking at those people surrounding him now one could not be wrong in concluding they are the same familiar faces who gained notoriety for corruption under the Arroyo administration. If ever Mrs. Arroyo became politically isolated it is because of these people, and their switching of loyalty did not make them a new man or “born again” as modern day religious ministers would say.
Whether there are visible indicators that indeed we are heading towards a serious electoral logjam, still candidates should refrain from talking about it publicly. For them to spread fear is incoherent to their ambition and to the process they claim to adhere. Our people are looking forward to go through with the process of a clean, honest and fair election. They see the holding of an election as their opportunity for renewal, hoping that somehow things will change for the better.
Yet, amidst all expectations, its appears that Noynoy Aquino and most of his supporters are determined to sow fear and cynicism to the sacred process which is anachronistic to the very reason why they enlisted themselves as candidates. Their pronouncements are incoherent to their status because the failure of election is equivalent to denying our people their alternative choice. In fact, their prognostication is an open invitation for trouble.
It is on this basis why we are prompted to ask what really is the motive of these mentally delirious candidates. If Noynoy and his ilk did not file their certificate of candidacy, or has signified their intention to withdraw from the race then people can perhaps give credibility to what they are saying. But in the meantime that they are deeply involved in the political process or should we say in the thick of the fight, the motive behind their pronouncement now becomes questionable. It brings to surface their diabolical agenda, different to what we all have in mind.
Arrogance has truly gotten into the head of this good-for-nothing intellectual loafer; that to him and his supporters election is just a matter of formalizing his becoming the next President. If he will not be proclaimed then serious trouble awaits this country. This is the kind of political equation they want to project, which is to make him the winner at all costs. To my mind, it is tantamount to blackmailing the nation. Note that Noynoy’s concept of failure of election is not an act to deny our people of their sovereign mandate, but to purposely deny him of his make-believe victory which is downright silly.
Their traditional collaborating partner, the National Movement for Free Election (NAMFREL), is giving the same parallel scenario of things to come. Clearly, one could deduce that Noynoy and his gang are trying to lay down the predicate that should he not emerge winner, widespread chaos will ensue. The strategy of denouncing the Comelec, the administration or both, is an encompassing strategy that will put the two on the defensive. Under that circumstances, even before that doomsday scenario could actually take place Noynoy and his gang had already accomplished what they want to happen, which is for our people to be cynical about the results, meaning that if it’s not him, then the election was rigged.
Unlike the usual cry of electoral fraud where there can be a possible recount, a failure of election does not offer that kind of formula to resolve the impasse. It is a statement equivalent to saying that no election was in fact held. In which case, its happening could justify a takeover by a military junta or even give way to raw dictatorship where the incumbent President will exercise her emergency powers to extend her stay, but at the price of scrapping the Cory Constitution, something of sentimental value to the overtly ambitious Noynoy.
For the fact that the camp of Noynoy has made it known to all that it was their man who won or could have won had the election not been sabotaged, it now puts the burden on those in charge of supervising the election to proclaim Noynoy, not on the basis that he won, but to appease him. By that our democracy is thus made hostage by Noynoy and his gang. The scenario is reminiscent of the 1986 political swindle where the hypocrites jubilantly called their brazen act of political vandalism “people power.”
Noticeable is while Noynoy is ranting of a possible failure of election, neither is he proposing a collective approach on how to counter that diabolical scheme from taking place. With him banding with the rest of the presidential candidates could lend credibility to what he is saying. But as it is, Noynoy is the only one talking much about it. Because people know that Noynoy is not much of a conscientious thinker, it is his wily handlers who are resisting the idea of a collective counterforce to avert that possibility. For them to accommodate the rest of the presidential aspirants would paradoxically demand that he give up his arrogant posturing of acting as though he already won in the election.
No presidential candidate in his right mind would concede to the idea of discrediting the holding of the election on the naïve theory that Noynoy is being singled out. As one would put it, he must be out of his mind. But, as said, he would not because that would automatically deprive him of the right to claim to what he see as his vested right to the throne. It most be pointed out that his idea of election failure is not equivalent to saying that practically no election was held because the great majority of the voters were disenfranchised due to confusion, widespread violence, or a complete paralysis on the computer system. He would not even want the investigation to focus on who won, but on what happened.
Having presented a totally different premise, nobody could possibly refute his argument because before hand he and his cabal already bombarded the people the results of those poll surveys showing him as having consistently topped, although in many respects they have been questioned. The trending technique as shown by the results of those pro-Noynoy poll surveys has conditioned the minds of the people to believe he could have won in that failed election. After all, a failure of election is sort of blackhole nobody knows what will happen.
Nonetheless, the only consolation to this is it equally revealed Noynoy’s deep-seated fear that he will not make it despite all the trappings of mental conditioning and trending surveys of him as sure winner. Faced with this dilemma, the only way out for Noynoy is to create trouble. By then, he would have jumped the gun not on the issue of who won, but by shouting to the whole world he was denied of his glory. Surely, the meddling American media will pick up his sad story.
Going back to the not-so-distant past, his glorified mother, Cory Aquino, and for all the self-serving adulations of her, did not win in the 1986 election against President Marcos. Although the term failure of election was then unfamiliar to us, it was their claim of alleged massive cheating that gave way to people power. Significantly, Cory’s declaration of a revolutionary government was her official act to nullify the results of the February 1986 election, which was an attempt bury the truth that she did not win in that election. A revolutionary government was all that was needed to abrogate all the legalities that would link her with the old Constitution.
So her becoming a revolutionary President was not by virtue of an election, but by sheer use of power done through a coup d’ etat hypocritically called “people power.” Having consolidated her powers, she could still have ordered the continuation of the counting of the ballots just to verify the truth. After all, even if Marcos won, his claim to power has become moot, she having managed to rally behind her the people and the Armed Forces. But she did not because that would expose the hollowness of her so-called “people power.” This is the same strategy that Noynoy and henchmen now wants to happen, and that rumor of him meeting some of the disgruntled generals indicate of the same pattern of power play they want to pursue.
Indeed, Noynoy and his Liberal Party are treading on a very dangerous path. The problem however is people are no longer enthusiastic in wanting to see another round of political swindle knowing that nothing has happened to improve their lives or even widened their economic opportunities. The Armed Forces, on the other hand, no longer have the passion for another round of adventurism where the elite have reduced them to that of errand boys, and not as a corps tasked to protect the people of their rights and interests. What happened was a case of from bad to worse.
Maybe there is unanimity in blaming Mrs. Arroyo for the building up this kind of political turbulence, but it would be totally wrong for Noynoy and his incorrigibly corrupt coterie that after the storm he should be the one to take over. The events of 1986 and of 2000, helped much to inculcate to our people a deeper sense of political consciousness. That consciousness may not be along the same ideological orthodoxy, but definitely it has metamorphosed to one where the people are voting on the basis of their class identification. Other than being a lazy legislator who did nothing when he was elected congressman and as senator, he represents the most notorious and obdurate class of landlords.
Most dangerous, people around him are the same people standing as emissaries of foreign interest groups that pushed us to the world of the “failed states.” In fact, his slogan, “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap” has become the butt of a joke. By just looking at those people surrounding him now one could not be wrong in concluding they are the same familiar faces who gained notoriety for corruption under the Arroyo administration. If ever Mrs. Arroyo became politically isolated it is because of these people, and their switching of loyalty did not make them a new man or “born again” as modern day religious ministers would say.